
the second commentary

Today, I read Jorge's blog Our Government Part Two . In this blog, it said that "In my opinion, our votes are not being counted as it ought to be. Our votes are for deciding which representative of a party go and vote in the electoral college. Most of the time we do not know at all who these people are, or if we really can trust our decision, which again we should all give our vote by ourselves, and not by these representatives." I  agree with it. However, I have my own opinion on whether we should cancel the qualifications of those representatives who voted, but whether we vote by ourselves. This is because if we cancel the eligibility of representatives to vote and turn to each US referendum to determine our political results, it is not ideal. Because the number of U.S. citizens is huge, if everyone's vote is used as the basis for the final political election, there are a lot of destabilizing factors at the voting level. Everyone has different education, differe

Historic meet!

Kim Jong-un, the top leader of North Korea, and the South Korean president, Moon Jae-in, held a historic meeting on the Korean side of the Panmunjom storefront between South Korea and South Korea on the 27th. This is the first time that North Korea’s top leader has set foot on Korean land since the Korean War. It is also the third time in 11 years since Kim Dae-Jung met with Kim Jong-il in June 2000 and after Roh Moo-hyun and Kim Jong-il met in October 2007. The DPRK and South Korea summit meeting. The leaders of North Korea and South Korea shook hands, crossed boundaries, talked and interacted on the military demarcation line and became the focus of global media attention. The first landmark historical moment at the Panmunjom-North Korea border is 8:30 am Beijing time this morning. North Korea's top leader Kim Jong-un moved from the DPRK side to the military demarcation line between the DPRK and South Korea’s Panmunjom stores and met with South Korea’s presidential president,

a commentary

Today, I want to discuss one of my colleague's blog posts  Blog Five by KyungMin.  In this blog post, KyungMin discusses Andrew McCabe got fired before he was set to retire and gain his pension. In his opinion, "The president Donald Trump is too much offensive toward McCabe in this situation."  I agree with this view. Because they should publish the final results of the Hillary Clinton email incident, not like Donald Trump shows anger on Twitter.  KyungMin also said in his blog, " This is not the way of treating the person who worked for the country for 21 years. Our president Donald Trump should think about this again."  Obviously, this is a political struggle to perform in front of the public.  What the people need is factual evidence and the right way to deal with it. It is not that he will be dismissed violently the day before he is about to retire.

What can we do in the face of high school shootings?

Let us continue to focus our attention on shootings in high school in the United States. On March 20th, a shooting incident occurred in a high school in Maryland, USA. The shooting caused two students to be wounded. The gunman was injured in a confrontation with the police and was sent to the hospital where he died. The successive shooting incidents on US high school campuses caused a broader and deeper reflection on gun violence in the U.S. community, and the U.S. public’s call for gun control and even guns have become increasingly strong. Among them, the families of surviving students and surviving students demanded that the government strictly control the issue of firearms. In particular, it was hoped that their legislators could keep the guns away from school on the one hand through the law, and on the other hand, they could completely block all harmful semi-automatic rifles. But it is absurd that in Florida where the tragedy took place, local politicians passed an extremely a

Meanwhile, Trump is moving in on the video game world.

On March 9, a blogger, Althouse wrote an article called Meanwhile, Trump is moving in on the video game world. In this article, the author said she was trying to read a report about our president Trump drawing his opinion on video game and violence, but just as he thought about guns, his thoughts on video games are not clear. He did not show his true view of the problem or his approach to solving it. Then, the author said she got it."He's "shrouding" his own opinion. Shrouding. Good Lord. So macabre." she said. After that, she reviewed the administrations of President Bill Clinton and President Barack Obama had tried to understand the issue with wide-ranging initiatives and recommendations after massacres at Columbine High School in 1999 and Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012. And nothing happened, including the recommended funding of research on the connection between violent video games and real-world violence. The author expressed her views on the rel

Trump's awful plan to arm teachers is straight from the NRA playbook

On Feb.23, 2018, USA Today  posted an article about our president and the shooting happened in Florida,  Trump's awful plan to arm teachers is straight from the NRA playbook . In this article, the author said," President Trump deserves credit for agreeing to meet with a delegation of frustrated and emotional survivors of the Feb. 14 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla." When this tragedy happened, all over the country were very shocked at this murder case and also mourned the dead. At the same time of such a tragedy, we can not help wondering what kind of measures should be taken to prevent such a tragedy from happening again.  Trump's advice is that we hide as much as 20% of our country's school teachers in the hands of educators, which is not so palatable. Since the early 1990s, when Congress set schools as gunfighters, armed attackers, both student insiders and stranger intruders, they can secure supporters with little or no disse

Olympics Open With Koreas Marching Together, Offering Hope for Peace

On Feb 9, 2018, The New York Times  posted an article about the 23rd  Winter Olympics  Olympics Open With Koreas Marching Together, Offering Hope for Peace . The 23rd Winter Olympic Games will be held from February 9 to February 25, 2018, in Pyeongchang, Gangwon-do, South Korea. South Korea will host the Winter Olympics for the first time in 30 years, following the hosting of the Seoul Summer Olympic Games in 1988. Even the cold weather cannot stop the enthusiasm of the people. North Korea and South Korea's athlete teams entered the stadium together, less than fifty miles from the height borders of their respective countries. Standing under the same flag ,two countries expose the political tension in the Korean peninsula,  offering hope of a breakthrough in a tense, geopolitical standoff that has stirred fears of nuclear conflict. Although the situation is not easy, the enthusiasm of the people is still lit by the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, showing the world good com